Absolutely love the tension between all of these different worlds you're describing. The flow between the past, present, future and the juxtaposition of humanity, your family roles, and your own identity. So good!

"A scraped shin, a lost pebble, a wet shoe, a missing shoe, the wrong shorts, the equal division of banana bread is not equal enough. All take precedence over ancient history." I felt this in my bones as a dad of 2 boys under 3.

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I'm so glad it resonated with you, Rob. And good luck with 2 boys under 3-- that is honestly the haziest point of my life and there is no way I could've been the lucid writer you are during that time.

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"We all want to discover something exceptional and we bring Megan our rocks again and again, cradling in our palms what we hope is ancient. And indeed, our hope is ancient." Wow, love this Alissa!

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Thank you, Catalina. Mutual appreciation happening here!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Alissa Mears

This is wonderful, Liss. A real meditation on the central predicament to humanity and the daily reality of life. A terrific piece!

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I love this beyond measure.

The ending is superb, but this line: “the equal division of banana bread is not equal enough”

It says so much! I’m soooo glad Zoom connected us in a random breakout one summer in June ♥️

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I'm so happy, too, Emma. I've been thinking about your minivan all week!

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