Another stunning piece! Your writing is so poetic, I love how you connect and weave literature into the everyday. I liked this: “I look up then, at the mirror, the smear of its death on the glass covers my forehead, like an Ash Wednesday smudge. The priest in my head is muttering "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” God’s words to Adam, before expelling him from Eden, the great fall. “ I’m so curious about the priest in your head and if others who grow up with the church hear that voice.. I ask because I have a character I’m writing who has that voice but I have been struggling to make him real

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Oh, I have so much to say about this voice, Sadia. And I'm more than happy to chat about it-- and to hear more about your character!

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So many resonant thoughts.

"Met Gala-worthy attire" a complete visual. And the thinking of the generational hand me down, with more challenge for GenZ to achieve the same.

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I flitted around a lot in this piece, but writing about moths felt like an excuse to flit.

So glad some of it resonated with you, Karena.

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