Jan 24Liked by Alissa Mears

This is an absolute gem. It's so tightly braided, so wonderfully deft and textured. You know how to effortlessly bring in whatever it is you need: a story from the BBC, the perfect passages from Solnit and Twain, research on bacula. It's sharp, surprising, and funny, and I loved it from start to finish.

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Jan 24Liked by Alissa Mears

What Jeff said! Even experiences I have right alongside you come back to me sharpened, defamiliarized, dazzling in all the ways they were but I could not see.

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Do you think one day we’ll tell each other memories and realize only amidst telling that the other was present? Or that the memory is actually yours, not mine?

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Thank you, Jeff! Deeply grateful for your reading and insight, always.

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Jan 28Liked by Alissa Mears

Wait?!? What?!? Where could it go?

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It's a magic trick!

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Alissa, this is such an amazingly well-crafted, fun, irreverent, surprising, twist-turning story. I find with your writing it can be like getting on a ride at Disneyland and having the little cart click forward into a tunnel where you won't be able to be distracted, won't know where the ride is going, but if you give yourself and your senses over to the engineer who designed the ride - it will be an incredible experience. That's the way your writing is with me. One of the beauties of your writing is that it has a variety, so I'm not sure what kind of ride I'm getting on each time, but you're so trustworthy in delivering a compelling experience. I love it!!

OK, one more thing for you or anyone reading this comment. If you haven't listened to this promise me you will. My understanding and take on memory for we humans has never been the same. It's astonishing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn7RPk5e4uA. You don't need to watch, just turn on and listen when you're doing something else - like getting dressed, or making a meal. It's SO fascinating. I'd love to talk with you about it sometime.

OK - all for now. - James

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I’ve cued this up for first listen tomorrow morning, and I can’t wait. Will report back!

And “amusement park ride” may be the highest compliment I’ve ever received about my writing, James. I had so much fun writing (and rewriting) it, and I love that it was a ride for you as the reader, as well. There’s a special delight in people you care about responding to the weird stuff you put out in the world. Thank you thank you, friend.

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Jan 24Liked by Alissa Mears

Wonderful piece, Liss. Really good writing.

And yes, the oxygen mask still sends shudders down my spine...

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But thank you for being so chill when I came home horrified to tell you about my realization. I've loved hearing from others about their early childhood run-ins, too. Who knew there were so many creative uses for a single object?

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