This line has been with me for weeks, "I want them to love their home country. And yet, I’m not sure that it loves them." Your writing is powerful!

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Thanks for coming back to this essay and telling me, Sarah. I so often have lines lodge themselves in me, and I should return to that writer and let them know. Thank you for the reminder to do so!

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And thank you again, Sarah, for helping this piece come to be! Your feedback was so dead-on and helpful.

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What a powerful piece. I've long debated whether living in the US continues to be the right thing our family, even as I defended this country for 15 years.

You captured this pain and tension beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

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"What a privilege to change your favorite color. What a disaster of a country we are."

What a powerful quote. I wish it weren't so true.

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